

    January 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    11.01.2025 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Awareness program/seminar/workshops on NALSA (Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation)
    24.01.2025 National Girl Child Day Awareness programs in schools/colleges at mass level by focusing in important features of Beti Bachao - Beti Padhao campaign.
    26.01.2025 Republic Day Active participation in District Level functions in the presence of Ld. Secretaries, DLSAs by holding tableaus in coordination with District Administration.

    February 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    07.02.2025 Safer Internet Day Awareness camps for creating awareness on cybercrime.
    13.02.2025 National Women's Day & World Radio Day Awareness camps for women or any women related issues in the presence of Ld. Secretaries, DLSAs.
    20.02.2025 World Day of Social Justice Awareness camps in association with District Social Welfare Department and District Welfare officers on social issues and schemes meant for public

    March 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    08.03.2025 International Women's Day Celebrate International Women's Day by holding Legal literacy Camps for empowerment of women (Women's Right)
    15.03.2025 World Consumer Rights Day Awareness campaign regarding Permanent Lok Adalat (Public Utility Services) and rights of consumers.
    21.03.2025 World Day for Water Hold drives in association with concerned department on issues like Loose running water, Repairing of taps Issuance of new water connections and other legal implications related to said topic.

    April 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    11.04.2025 National Safe Motherhood Day Awareness programs in association with Women and Child Department and Aanganwadi workers for betterment of mothers with special focus on pregnant women.
    22.04.2025 Earth Day Hold painting, slogan writing, essay writing, debates and other competitions to spread awareness on measures to save mother earth. DLSAs in association with Forest Department make efforts to plant trees at various places like schools, colleges, court complexes etc.
    24.04.2025 National Panchayati Day Conduct workshops focusing on the rights and responsibilities of citizens under Panchayati raj and explain key laws such as the Right to Information(RTI) Act, MGNREGA, and provisions under the Panchayati Raj Act.

    May 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    01.05.2025 International Labour Day Organize a prade/rally featuring workers from different industries, trade unions, community groups etc.
    11.05.2025 National Technology Day Awareness in order to educate the public about online legal services, such as e-courts, virtual hearings, and online dispute resolution (ODR)
    31.05.2025 World No Tabacco Day Awareness campaigns in association with Special Task Force under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA).

    June 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    05.06.2025 World Environment Day Awareness on Protection of environment alongwith Plantation drives. Students and law college student to participate in an initiative of distributing germinated seed balls to general public.
    12.06.2025 World day against Child Labour Awareness camps in schools, communities and workplace to educate people about the negative impact of child labour.
    21.06.2025 International Day of Yoga Hold yoga camps in jails, CCIs, juvenile homes, Observation Homes, shelter homes.
    26.06.2025 International Day against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking Organize workshops on drug prevention, rehabilitation and harm reduction strategies.

    July 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    11.07.2025 World Population Day Awareness programmes emphasizing the importance of family planning poverty and other related topics.
    17.07.2025 World day for International Justice Awareness programs on eligibility of legal services, criteria etc. DLSAs may also organize quiz competitions in school colleges.

    August 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    08.08.2025 World Senior Citizen's Day Conducting a program namely Chai pe charcha at Sr. Citizen Homes in the presence of Ld. Secretaries on 08.08.2025 and interact with senior citizens.
    15.08.2025 Independence Day Active participation in District Level functions in the presence of Ld. Secretaries, DLSAs by holding tableaus in coordination with District Aministration.

    September 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    05.09.2025 Teacher's Day Hold felicitation programs for the Teacher in-charges, District Coordinators of Legal Literacy Clubs as well as hold awareness programs for teachers associated with Legal Literacy Mission.
    08.09.2025 International Literacy Day Conduct Awareness campaign in association with law colleges/any other colleges in rural areas.
    28.09.2025 Right to know Day DLSAs to conduct quiz competitions on the Right to Information Act.

    October 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    02.10.2025 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Hold peace rallies/peace march and hold awareness camps focusing on national integrity and duties of citizens towards nation and society
    10.10.2025 World Mental Health Day Hold medical check-up camps in CCIs, Mental health Care institutes etc. and implement programs with regard to NALSA (Legal Services to the Mentally Ill and Mentally Disabled Persons).
    13.10.2025 UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction Conduct Awareness programs to educate the public about their legal rights and responsibilities related to disaster perparedness and recovery

    November 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    09.11.2025 National Legal Service Day Hold Programmes at large scale in coordination with various departments for and organize camps in jails, schools, colleges, public places to commemorate National legal Services Day
    26.11.2025 Constitution Day Awareness drive and conduct quiz competitions, other competitions alongwith other legal activities for schools and colleges in association with Legal Literacy Clubs

    December 2025

    Dates Day Action Plan
    01.12.2025 World Aids Day Awareness programmes for public at large to aware them about cause and consequences of HIV AIDS alongwith legal rights of such persons.
    10.12.2025 Human Rights Day Awareness drive and conduct quiz competitions, other competitions alongwith other legal activities for schools and colleges in association with Legal Literacy Clubs.
    24.12.2025 National Consumers Day Set up help desk in Consumer forums as well as Court Complexes. DLSAs shall also conduct long awareness campaign regarding Permanent Lok Adalat (Public Utility Services) and rights of consumers.